Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 4 Comprehension

Teacher Notes
I made a survey and an interview sheet to collect opinions on language learning and I sent this survey to my friends and teachers to get their answers. I really appreciated to my great friends, who helped me with it.
Great idea to conduct a survey to gather opinions.
Standard and Criterion Met
Criterion C,D and E
Completed Task
I finished making the planning sheet, summary and also the survey. I got many answers from my friends and i got different kinds of answers from them.
Think about how you will represent the data once you have analysed it.
Here, I found the article. It helped me understand faster and easier on my own topic, language learning.
To Do List
I have to make a chart that shows and rates my friends answers. I will upload it into my blog page.
Excellent planning.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jae Seung. When you are writing up your activities both completed and to do try and use the verbs from Blooms in your sentences.

    I enjoy reading your posts!
